July 1, 2010

We Love Wandile

Yep, that would be the guy with an unrivaled passion for skateboarding and comfortable sneakers. That would be the dude who decided to get up, get out and get something for himself and other kids - yes, the black people as well as the white kick-pushers. That would be the dude who is making power moves, ever so subtly though, with headphone powerhouse and skate culture mavericks, Skullcandy. That would be the kid who had dreams of making his own boards - and he did it (but more on that in the next entry). That would be Wandile Msomi to you.

He chops it up with theblagg and breaks down who he is and how he got to where he is today. Plus he and Skullcandy are giving away a pair of super dope headphones. So watch the interview, listen out for the competition and enter! Don't say theblagg never puts you on. Yes, StreetBoss, that means you too!

UPDATED TO SAY: Send your Skullcandy Competition answers to theblaggtv@gmail.com before July 15.
Ok, go!

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