We found this story up on Karen Civil's (whom The Ordinary Girl adores!) site. Who knew Drake was kinda like a big deal? When Mr Caterpillar Eyebrows is not putting Lil Kim in her place and trading sex game with Trey Songz, the Canadian actor-cum-rapper has inspired rapper Juvenile to er, flatter him.
Roger that, did you copy that, c-c-copycat anyone? Ahem.
Up top is Drake's cover art for his recently leaked debut album, Thank Me Later. Below is Juvenile's Beast Mode album cover.

Yes we know the Juvenile and Cash Money history. And we know that Young Money - fronted by Drake and The Harajuku Barbie (and maybe Tyga, we're undecided) are the new school version of that era.
But this right here... one could argue that the covers are only similar. Not the same thing. What say you? Here is what Juve had to say when Rap Radar's Elliot Wilson and Miss Angela Yee quizzed him on the er, similarities. Tjowee!

If you want theblagg's opinion both these covers are wack! Straight up. But if you don't want our opinion, we're still keen to know yours. What do you think of this mess?
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