October 9, 2009

Amber Wearing Rose-Tinted Glasses?

Picture taken from http://contributingeditor.blogspot.com/2009/09/every-rose-has-its-thorn.html

Here at theblagg, we think Amber Rose is beauty personified. And while we get that hers and Mr West’s relationship is one of give-and-take (whose isn’t?) and naturally has mutual benefits, their collaboration on the October Elle magazine spread leaves theblagg at a loss for words. Well, not really – you know us – but still.

Art is art. It is subjective. And the fad is another beast that, in todays entertainment world, is too easily passed off as high fashion. In this Elle feature the art and er, fashion (go with us on this one) tied the knot and a blonde-ceasar-bombshell-baby makes three. But see, like this shoot, where Kanye played stylist and Amber the model, this sham of a marriage binded by a spine is suspect. Shame.

Why, oh why would you “style” your girlfriend as though she was a lady of the night? Sure the haute Miss Rose does like to shock the conservatives with her dress sense. And yes, Kanye pretty much scooped her up from the curb and made her Miss Hot Right Now in record time. But methinks the interrupter forgets that his Robocop is a real person.

Now it’s no secret that when it comes to fashion and fads, the different strokes for different folks law rules. And everyone is allowed to embrace their freakdom but unless you’re the type that gets a kick out of other men drooling over your girls goodies it’s hard to understand why Kanye made sure Amber’s cakes were out for all to see.

Even ego-driven men who love to know that what they possess (ie. their woman – again, go with us on this one) is desired by other dudes don’t give more than a peep show. Kanye pretty much wrote down the order and hand delivered the cakes on a silver platter to not one but every man (and woman) who has ever envied the couple. See proof here: http://www.elle.com/Fashion/Fashion-Spotlight/Fashion-Spotlight-Amber-Rose/Amber-Rose-Photos-Styled-By-Kanye-West-ELLE-October-2009-Issue

Does it really matter then, that our favourite blonde beauty has scored a contract with Ford Models, become the face of a fragrance and managed to fly the Regular Girl flag high in an industry that will crucify you if you’re a black blonde whose initials aren’t BK? If this is the price she had to pay to get it?

The world doesn’t know the T&Cs that come with a relationship that has the bearing of T&As as a prerequisite. And theblagg still thinks Amber Rose is naturally gorgeous we wouldn’t be mad if Amber got herself a man who wasn’t trying to be her svengali. Your thoughts?

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