July 5, 2012

Read This

When I picked up Dawn, the first of the Lilith's Brood trilogy of books by Octavia E Butler, I knew very little about the series and much less about the author. Although I read it through the library's assistance, this is a series I plan on purchasing. Because the books at the library are so old (this series is from the late 80s), the copy I picked up still has the title "Xenogenesis" emblazoned on the cover. The sci-fi series has since been renamed Lilith's Brood and if you ever get to read it, you'll know why.

It is many years since the human race has gone to war and destroyed itself and its planet. On another, far away, Lilith is a the woman chosen to awaken the surviving human beings after they are rescued/captured by an alien species that prizes trade above all other things. Needless to say, things don't bode well for the female and Dawn deals with the obstacles Lilith faces in seeking the trust of her fellow humans and the understanding of a totally foreign species to her. The second and third books, Adulthood Rites and Imago, respectively, deal with the first constructs or hybrid (alien and human) that are direct descendants of Lilith and what's in store for those who come after them. You may click HERE to get a little more info. theblagg recommends this read. Let us know if you've already had the pleasure to read the trilogy.

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