June 13, 2012

Yes, We're Back To This Topic

Not every girl is a sneakerhead. This is a fact. Just like not every guy knows the A-Z of kicks. However, it's no secret that here at theblagg, we frown on women who wear funny style shoes as a way of being "down." Ok, maybe frown is a mild term. Honestly, if you want to wear sneakers, then wear sneakers. If you want to wear high heels, then do that. But don't bastardise the sneaker for the sake of some elevated, pseudo-cool look. That's really how we feel. With that being said, we have to give it up to the Herstar for these Custom Crystal NBA heels. Now, The Ordinary Girl would not be caught dead in a pair but props are due. And here's why.

Some women like to feel involved in their man's passion. Like, for instance, his love for basketball. But they know that they don't have to sacrifice who they really are to fit in. They don't have to wear oversized jerseys and put away the make-up kit on Sunday because that's game night. But they do like to feel and look supportive. Some girls actually don't do this a relationship bonding excercise. They may just like the sport but can't be bothered to wear flats. They love the NBA like any other dude but don't feel they have to leave who they are in the bedroom once the players step onto the court. These Herstar heels allow them to do that. Forget wearing your heart on your sleeve. You can wear it on your shoes if you're a die-hard fan. The Ordinary Girl wouldn't do this but she gets it. What she still doesn't get is this:


And I love Beyonce too but hot-damn, why do these exist? Isabel Marant can miss me with all that. Can we agree that we're not ever condoning these wedge sneakers, ladies?

  Oh, you're just going to leave me standing here by myself, huh?

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